Marriages undoubtedly can be made in heaven. We must believe the Lord's prayer as a possible actuality achieved in our lives. Our Lord would not have asked us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" if it was not in His plan for that to be realized. The implication here is that His kingdom or rulership can come and when it does come, His will is done on earth in our marriages as though heaven were in effect operating in our lives. Therefore, when we pray in the will of God, under the lordship of Christ, seeking to have His rule or dominion in our lives, in any area, we can expect all the blessings of heaven to bear influence. This of course, includes marriage at its best. When we seek first His kingdom or rulership in our marriages, we can anticipate knowing God's perfect heavenly plan in marriage If we acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will surely direct our path even as He did Isaac and Eleazer in Genesis 24. Without doubt, God had planned in heaven the union of Isaac and Rebekah. This was realized as Isaac and Eleazer, being in the way, were led by the Lord into God's heavenly plan right here on earth. The meeting and the union of Isaac and Rebekah was wonderful.
The path of the just, even in marriage, is intended to be as a shining light that shines more and more unto the pefect day. Marriages can move from faith to faith, from glory to glory as they are heaven born. Sorrow and tears can be wiped away from marital relationships as heaven's presence and principles are in effect.
The question amid all these blissful and purposeful scriptures is, "Can a marriage made in heaven end up being hell on earth?" The reality on earth is that, in varying degrees, hell makes its way into marriages. The big question is this, "If God has planned it and made it happen, how could it end up [excuse the expression] a hell of an experience?" The answer to that question is the same as the following comparison or questions: "Why has the earth which God made good in every regard, by His wise, creative acts, become corrupt in many ways?" "Why is man who was made in the image of God, in so many cases, at war and out of relationship and expeiencing hell on earth?"
A reasonable answer to this could very will be that marriages made in heaven need to be maintained by heaven. What is made in heaven cannot be turned over to another kingdom and succeed. God created us to take dominion. That means there is a war going on, not just a flesh and blood war that we see in the full realization of a marriage conflict. Something beneath is stirring that we know has something to do with the underworld of demonic influence taught by Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18 and II Corinthians 10:4-5. Too many Christians have allowed Satan to squat in territory where he has no legal right. Spouses do not stand their grounds with the intent of being firm in the way of the Lord, and the result is, they give place to the devil who is the destroyer, and that which was made in heaven ends up in hell on earth. This hell of course, in most cases, leads to divorce. Nothing is worse than knowing you are made to be together but now something, namely the hell that has entered in, is tearing you apart. What can be more hellish or painful than tearing the very heart of destiny, emotions, will and mind away from two people?
The sad fact is that Christians who have sought God and were directed by being in the way of the Lord to their God-given spouse, find themselves caught in the snares of hell on the road to a hell filled life, ending in most cases these days, in divorce...
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